Saturday, March 15, 2014

Speed reading or gauged pleasure

As an avid reader who likes to relax with a good book, would you want an app that helps you speed read through a novel on a smart device?

Something like the Spritz app would be helpful in circumstances when you need to study a short article or story summary of a book.  I don't think it can compete with the pleasure of sitting down with a good book or taking a novel to bed.  Would you agree?

I'm the kind of person who likes to read printed books in paperback and hard cover format.  I have progressed with the times by reading books on my iPad Mini as well. I find that paperbacks work best when reading in bed.  They make less noise or risk less damage if they were to drop from my sleepy grip.
In The Year of the Rabbit, Sera Fletcher loved to read and would often go to the local library to soften the pains of loneliness and escape into other worlds she discovered through books.  

She would also find herself sorting and re-shelving the books from the return carts.  She loved this sense of order and control since her world was falling apart around her.
  • If you would like to download the first few chapters of the eBook version for free, visit this page at Smashwords.
  • If you want to read more, you can set your own purchase price (above 99 cents) at Smashwords.
  • If you’re not sure but would like to first see what others thought of the book, start here. 
  • If you don’t own one of those newfangled eBook readers yet, you can purchase a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the novel and read it on your computer, laptop or tablet.
Although it took me four years of drafts, edits, love and tears, I will allow you the right to read it as fast as you want. 

If you’re waiting for the next print edition, it may be ready before 2023.  

Thanks for dropping by.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Something for everyone during Read an Ebook Week March 2 to 8

As a Smashwords author, it is my pleasure to promote Read an Ebook Week 2014.

Visit during March 2 to 8, 2014 for a list of independent authors' books on discount or for free!  So much variety that can be packed into your eReader.

Since The Year of the Rabbit is already listed at 99 cents, it will be available as free this week.  If you don't already have a Smashwords account, you can easily join for free

Do you like trains?  There's plenty of trains in this novel about fate, family and forgiveness.  

Do you like books that explore human interest, loneliness, belief systems and dabble just a little into romance? 

You will like The Year of the Rabbit. These previous readers did.  
Thanks for dropping by.  I hope to hear from you soon.