Saturday, February 18, 2012

Family Day

It's a beautiful long weekend in Eastern Ontario.  

Workers in a couple of provinces get to enjoy Monday, February 20th as Family Day.  Sadly, any chances of partaking in more Winterlude activities are limited due to the mild weather. 

Almost a year ago, the author of The Year of the Rabbit pondered "What is Family" in her deep blonde thoughts blog. This year, she hopes to get her young people out to at least one affordable, environmentally approved activity.  The lure of dinner will likely work to get most of them moving away from their electronic distractions. 

In the novel, The Year of the Rabbit, Sera Fletcher faces loss of a friend and people in her "family".  When she discovers a secret project in her father's workshop she realizes the approaching death of her mother. 

After a shameful teen pregnancy situation has divided her extended family, Sera courageously visits the Red Hare Restaurant to speak with Carl Young. She later shares in the joy when the birth of her illegitimate nephew reunites the families and friends one cold February night.

She is the unwitting messenger who reveals information that breaks her father's heart.  After Matthew's descent into depression, she is pushed away, relocated to the Young family's apartment.

This resilient young girl creates her own coping methods for dealing with the loss of her best friend, her mother, and others close to her.  She later confronts a monster and is eventually united with her biological familyIt's nice to know there's a twisted yet happy ending...

Throughout the novel, the reader will encounter different situations where the concept of "family" will change and evolve.  Whatever form of family you will celebrate this weekend, may it be one filled with love, respect and hope. 

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The Year of the Rabbit Ebook is available at Smashwords where you can download 20% of the Novel for free.

If you read the book (thank you!) and liked it (bless you!), please share on the Facebook Fan page and send Flo an email containing a few sentences.  She would love to post it on the reader feedback page.  Drop by again or follow Flo on Twitter.

Hop on over to  Dig a little deeper for some interesting tidbits and distractions.

Thank you for dropping by.


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